We Are What We Repeatedly Do

I am constantly living the opportunity to change my life. Change perspective. Chase what is impossible.

This morning in a Lululemon Community Yoga Class, a woman came in to the studio and began expressing discomfort toward the heat. She was unaware that she had signed up for a “Power Yoga” class. She quickly decided to set up by the door in case she needed to make a break for it mid-class.
The non-expecting yogini continued to grieve the temperature as she positioned her three blocks around her mat. In the hope of offering some peace to the challenge, I offered her this: “Leave if you have to, but give yourself the support of optimism before it even starts.” With nearly zero delay, she perked up and exclaimed, “You’re right!” And just like that, she was ready for the best class of her life.
This yogini didn’t leave the room once during those 75minutes. I am still in complete admiration of her; She traveled far beyond her comfort zone in the way that teachers beg so many of us to do. So when I came home… I decided it is time to expand.

I stepped on the mat to press past one more layer of that which does not serve me, and immediately understood it was time to seek the press into handstand. I followed trust deep into my core, guided my shoulders forward in optimism, and lifted my base potential. By rearranging my approach, by redefining my opportunity at hand, I was weightless (okay so… my arms will tell you I weighed a lot in that moment).

All I hope to suggest is that the body is a metaphor. The practice is a study, a tool to lead to a life more fulfilled. Seek inspiration and receive it just the same. What we choose to receive, we become. What we become, we offer to others.

2 thoughts on “We Are What We Repeatedly Do

  1. You really have a gift for gently nudging people beyond what they think they can do into what they hope they can do 😀

    • You of all people would be able to see that ability 🙂 That’s exactly what you do for me. Push creativity and exhaust my limits. Always in awe.

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