Asana Tutorials

Scorpion Prep Assist

Me (right side up) assisting Maggie (killin’ it) in her first forearm scorpion preparation – lift out of lower lumbar, keep legs engaged, point through toes, look up!

As a teacher, my favorite thing to share is what I’ve learned in my practice and body. Every teacher I’ve met has give me something permanent, be it a body cue, an idea to consider, or an energy. My wish is to offer and share what I have received. These pages are tips or means of entry into different asanas, all of varying levels of strength and flexibility.

Down Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Down Dog)   Depending on the style of yoga, there may be different cues for bodily alignment in down dog. For instance, in some traditions it is suggested that the forehead should be touching the mat, opening up the shoulders. Which may look something like this: The hands continue to push into the … Continue reading Down Dog

King Cobra

King Cobra Bhujangasana Start laying on your stomach, nose down forehead down. Hands are palms down underneath your shoulders so just the fingertips are peaking out from under shoulders. Feet together toes touch, press tops of the feet down into the ground, pull up on quads so knees lift. Push pubic bone down into the ground, … Continue reading King Cobra

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