Down Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana

(Down Dog)


Depending on the style of yoga, there may be different cues for bodily alignment in down dog. For instance, in some traditions it is suggested that the forehead should be touching the mat, opening up the shoulders. Which may look something like this:

The hands continue to push into the mat while shoulder blades wrap around the ribcage, stretching the upper back. The core lock is slightly compromised in this particular posture as shown above. Though still engaged through uddiyana bandha (located just below the bellybutton), the upper abdominals are stretching to allow the upper back its arch.

adho mukha svanasana

adho mukha svanasana

In an Ashtanga aligned Down Dog, the intent is to straighten strengthen and lengthen. Try reaching the lower ribcage for the hipbones, an idea most often expressed in an Ashtanga practice. This will tighten the whole stomach wall, consequently straightening the spine. Keeping this engagement, reach the crown of the head (or the hairline) for the mat. This allows the cervical spine’s vertebrae to decompress.  Happy down dogging!

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