King Cobra

King Cobra


Start laying on your stomach, nose down forehead down. Hands are palms down underneath your shoulders so just the fingertips are peaking out from under shoulders. Feet together toes touch, press tops of the feet down into the ground, pull up on quads so knees lift. Push pubic bone down into the ground, engage abdomen so stomach is lifted off the Earth. Ribcage reaches forward away from hips (all while still laying down).

Now, maintaining this beautiful engagement (look at you all strong!) begin to lift your body by lifting your chin, no weight in hands. Lift the gaze, follow your gaze. Throat opens, ribs spread, shoulders touch, collarbones TEARING APART. Bending cervical spine, thoracic, then lumbar last.

Finally, press the palms of your hands down and back TOWARDS your hips, spreading collarbones even wider. Keep hips down as the knees bend, and look for your toes!! See your toes in your mind’s eye. If they’re not there yet, keep imagining them. That’s the only way they’ll touch; you have to believe they will. Honestly believe.

Here’s a video to put motion to words

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